What We Believe
Sola Gratia - Sola Fide- Sola Scriptura
Grace Alone - Faith Alone - Scripture Alone
About God:
Lutherans believe that God is triune, one God in three persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God created the universe with all its grandeur and beauty.
About Man:
Lutherans believe that man is not an "accident" through evolution, but that God created him in His image for a living relationship with Him. Our first parents rebelled and sinned against God. Now every human being is born with a self-centered nature and a tendency for evil. By himself, man cannot right his fallen nature.
About Jesus Christ:
Lutherans believe that Jesus Christ is the God-given solution to man’s spiritual dilemma. Jesus took upon Himself the sins of the whole world when He suffered and died on the cross. God graciously offers forgiveness to all. Forgiveness is received through faith in Jesus Christ.
About the Holy Spirit:
Lutherans believe that the Holy Spirit works through the Word and the Sacraments to create and nurture a trusting relationship with Jesus Christ. He quickens people to new life in which people strive to love and please God and to love their neighbor as themselves.
About the Bible:
Lutherans believe that the Holy Scriptures are the source of knowledge about God and His forgiveness. The Bible was written by men as inspired by the Holy Spirit and is without error. As God’s Word speaks to us today, it should be diligently studied, heard, and accepted.
About Salvation:
Lutherans believe that people are made right with God and eternally saved solely by grace for Christ’s sake through faith. No good deeds or good works can merit salvation. It is a free gift of God offered through Christ Jesus to all who trust Him for forgiveness.
About the Sacraments:
Lutherans believe that Christ instituted two Sacraments, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Baptism washes away sins and creates faith in the Savior. In the Supper, the Lord’s body and blood are given in, with, and under the bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins and the strengthening of faith.
About the Church:
Lutherans believe that the church is the fellowship of all who believe in Christ as their savior. The church exists to worship God, to sustain faith in Him, and to share the love of God by word and deed. All Christians should worship their Lord and study His Word regularly.
About Eternal Life:
Lutherans believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead on Easter morning, and that all who die with faith in Christ will rise on the Last Day to live with God forever.
About the Christian Life:
Lutherans believe that receiving Christ as our Savior, we follow his example. We actively show concern for the spiritual and physical condition of each person, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we strive to minister to the needs of the "whole" person.