Welcome to St. Timothy Lutheran Church, Hyde Park, New York


Our Guiding Statement


We are a loving Christian congregation grounded in God's word and sacrament engaging the community with the love of God; inviting all to share the word of God through prayer, praise, song, and service.


Sunday Adult Bible Study Beyond the Sermon- 9a  

Divine Worship 10a on Sundays 
Wednesday Bible Study 6p - On Summer break 


Pastor Wayne can be reached at any time for pastoral concerns, prayer, or questions at 845.229.2758.


Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Scripture Alone

We invite you to visit with us - all are welcome! We proclaim a belief in the triune God and share God's love with one another, in the community and in the world. St. Timothy offers opportunities for Worship, Bible studies, fellowship and projects to help others in the Hyde Park area.


Pastor Wayne Olson

Who We Are

We are a small and active congregation eager to welcome you to the family of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We offer a tranquil sanctuary nestled in a woodland setting that is conducive to a comfortable worship experience away from the activities and stresses found in work and everyday life.


We have air conditioning and handicap entrance through left side of building. Follow walkway.  Chair lift to sanctuary. You may call and make arrangements for someone to await your arrival and guide you to the Sanctuary.


Interested in becoming a member? See Pastor Wayne.


Verse of the Week

Proverbs 3:6 
    In all your ways acknowledge him,
        and he will make straight your paths.   -ESV


Check the News and Events page for calendar listing of all current parish events.



 Ongoing collections: New and cancelled stamps and donations of used prescription glasses. Non precription sunglasses needed.


For the month of July, please check weekly bulletin for requested items. Place your donation in basket.


Site Update 22 July 2024