St. Timothy Council serving 2024 - 2025

2023 - 2024 Council Installation on 5 February 2023

Row 1 -l-r: Pam DeBuono, Secretary; Linda Nicholas, Evangelism; Linda Olson, President; Gary Scheel, Treasurer; Gaidis Tirums, Financial Secretary

Row 2 - l-r: Deacon Robin Friesheim; Pastor Wayne Olson; Rochelle Beaupré, Vice-President

2022-2023 St. Timothy Council: l-r: Pam DeBuono, Secretary; Rochelle C. Beaupré, Vice-President; Linda Olson, President; Pastor Wayne Olson; Gary Scheel, Treasurer; Gaidis Tirums, Financial Secretary. Not Pictured: Deacon Intern Robin Friesheim



Personal Care Pantry: (Our Savior) - laundry detergent, lotion, shaving cream, men's deodorant, paper towels, men's razors.


Place items in bin at back of church. See  Deacon Robin Friesheim or Pastor for questions.


Love INC is in need of volunteers. Many opportunities to serve in this ministry is currently available. Let Robin or Pastor know if interested.


For more information about LOVE INC:


Ministry Listing


St. Timothy members are involved in many activities that incorporate time, talents and treasures to benefit others.


1. Atlantic District LCMS General Missions and Disaster Relief

2. Hyde Park Food Pantry with our offerings of non-perishable food and supplies

3. Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) The Mite-y Angels

4. LOVE INC (In The Name of Christ)

5. Meals on Wheels